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Lighting a fire in the fireplace


Recommended types of wood, which burning with the fireplace meets the requirements

  • beech, hornbeam, alder, acacia, ash, birch, oak (oak should be mixed with birch or beech, because it emits certain acids, which have a negative affect on the walls of the furnace),
  • all hard, deciduous trees


  • length – for types 12KW and 14KW up to 330mm, for types 16KW i 18KW up to 400mm,
  • diameter 150mm or perimeter 480mm.


  • Firebox type 12 KW of maximum power, nominal power 6,5 KW about 5 kg
  • Firebox type 14 KW of maximum power,nominal power 9,5 kW about 8 kg
  • Firebox type 16 KW of maximum power, nominal power 12,2 kW about 8 kg
  • Firebox type 18 KW of maximum power, nominal power 16,4 kW about 11 kg

It is forbidden to convert the fireplace onto other types of waste fuels, as well as inappropriate, not recommended fuels and it is forbidden to use flammable liquids.

Material copyrighted! Publication in whole or in part only with the consent of the author.

Firebox type 12 KW of maximum power,    nominal power 6,5 KW    about 5 kg


During lighting the fire for the first time, an unpleasant smell can be sensed in the room. It is caused by drying and harding of the paint inside the fireplace, which becomes partly plastic when lighting the fireplace for the first time – which means reaching high temperature. In first combustion the paint will harden and the unpleasant smell will disappear.

Description of the right method of lighting a fire, loading and safe operating..

  • Setting a fire in a cold fireplace should be started by opening the fireplace doors with the chimney key, by putting narrow part of the key (not threaded) into the lock located on the right side, in central part of the fireplace door and then lifting it up automatically releasing the lock. After opening put scrunched paper into the firebox. On formed paper you should place small wood parts and on top of them bigger parts (from 3 to 5 cm). After that, open two air flow knobs (primary and secondary combustion), using ties mounted on the left side of the fireplace edge, until maximum opening (maximum extended).  The scale of air flow knobs opening depends on the chimney draught in certain moment of combustion.
  • Light a match and light a fire in the paper placed in the firebox. Close the door and secure it at the same time from self opening with the lock. After few minutes, when fire is going and the fireplace is hot, reduce the air flow needed for the combustion, pulling the ties to the middle of the range. At this setting leave for combustion until reaching the glow (about 30 min). Then you can add another load of wood. The fireplace door should be opened slowly to avoid flow of the exhaust into the room. During combustion all fireplace parts are very hot, therefore you should use a special key, which is a part of the set for operating. The maximum amount of the wood in the fireplace can not be higher then ½ of the chamber height. After about an hour of primary combustion (marked with ␣) close it completely by pressing the know to the maximum and for secondary combustion  (without marking) push even till the half of the scale (or more) but pay attention to the fire as it shall be burning stable and with living flame.
  • Before adding another load of wood use the poker to move the ash gathered on the bottom of the firebox, in the way that part of it falls into the ash pit through the grate and burn. You should make sure that during the combustion layer of ash – 2 cm thickness stays on the bottom of the fireplace, because it is good for wood burning and it is a good insulation for the fireplace bottom, which in the process of combustion is  exposed to high temperatures.
  • Ashes created in the process of using the fireplace can be taken out every day in every suited moment if there is enough quantity staying in the ash pit (it is enough if you empty the firebox once a week). In order to clean the insert draw use the key (grab from the handle side), and open the masking flap with its narrow side and then grabbing the other side of the key (threaded) put it into the hole in the central part of the clean-out door and then twist to the right until total release of the tray by closing mechanism. Now you can take the tray with the ash out (keeping it in horizontal position). Ashes should be tipped into a metal container and the tray pushed back into its place using the key; twist the key (left), releasing closing mechanism of the ash pit and close metal masking flap.

WARNING. In order to prevent releasing the exhaust fumes, the fireplace chamber and ash pit casing should be closed, except for the moment of lighting the fire, adding fuel and cleaning ashes..
During the periods when fireplace is not used (in a cool state), ties of air flow vents can be open or closed. When vents are open the air from the room will be sucked up by combustion system.
Material copyrighted! Publication in whole or in part only with the consent of the author.


The firebox and the connector

It is recommended to service the firebox, connector and chimney (before heating season) once a year (if the regulations do not recommend more often).

If its necessary to clean the connector and fireplace, you should remember that this activity should be done when the firebox is in a cool state. You should start by opening door of fireplace with the valve key, which comes with the set; using  metal scraper remove soot from fireplace walls.

For cleaning the connector use metal screw-thread brush. You should start by opening the fireplace, moving towards chimney. Repeat it several times until  you get the desired effect. A lot of soot will get through into the chimney whilst cleaning, therefore you should take out the soot through access door situated in lower part of the chimney. Ashes in fireplace chamber should be picked up by metal shovel. When finishing cleaning, close the door with the key by pulling the lock at the same time securing the door from opening.
Material copyrighted! Publication in whole or in part only with the consent of the author.

It is recommended to service the firebox, connector and chimney (before heating season) once a year (if the regulations do not recommend more often).